Welcome to this new site: started on 4th July 2007. We have consulted, researched and discussed the idea and finally decided on this style. We hope you find it helpful. It is designed with busy people in mind, so have decided on 'one item, one click' news items which are quick to read and without clutter. This is definitely a 'work in progress' and we hope you will visit often, or get an RSS feed, to be up to date as more items are added.
The Aim
Although this site serves the national network with news about evangelisation, it is available to anyone who finds it. The aim is to provide news items and information, primarily for church leaders, who can help members of their church share the good news of Jesus Christ. Though hosted by one network, it is offered as a resource across the different church denominations and traditions in the wider network of the four nations: England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
The Title
In the title, we have decided to use the more common term 'evangelism' to 'evangelisation' so more people find the site from a search. We are also compromised by the web language and decided to use the shorthand designation 'UK' to differentiate us from the many American sites. We are therefore grateful to our colleagues in Ireland for whom this is not the right title. Other options considered were longer and less memorable.
The Content
Throughout the site there is a pattern. Most of the news items are short, no more than 100 words, which point to a website or other link for the detailed information. EvangelismUK will not store resources but point to where they can be found. Graphics will be left out for even greater simplicity and clarity. Very short items are easy to generate, manage, and read: all of which will hopefully keep the content up to date, quick and easy to use.
Each item of news will be designated a category to make it easier to find in a search. As the site becomes populated, we hope that the archives (under 'categories' or from the date calender) will provide a store of information for future reference. However that is not the key purpose of the site and we know that it will not be as useful as a data base driven web site. The categories are listed under general titles and you may need to check various ones to find an archive item you are looking for. Each news item will archive automatically after one week on the home page.
We are aware of the danger that this site could become 'English driven' (as hosted in England), or get taken over with some particular project or initiative, or accidentally miss some significant item of news altogether. It is our hope and prayer that the site will be balanced and inclusive in all aspects, to provide a fare reflection and good service to the whole network of people sharing the good news of Jesus in these islands.
Editorial control
In order to keep that balance, and to monitor the content to see that it is in line with our values (cf the page 'What is Evangelisation?), some editorial control may be exercised. A small reference group will keep a watching brief on the site. Comments are always welcome and will be read, though workload will not normaly permit reply. News items are open for welcome critique, but not malicous and offensive comment.
Financial support
If you would like to support this site with finance to help pay for the staff time given to it, please contact us. Donations are not only welcome but needed.
The site is managed by: Captain Jim Currin, Church Army
Churches Together in England, 27 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HH
Email: jim*[email protected] replacing the * with a dot. (This will stop spam being created automatically)
on behalf of the English Churches Co-ordinating Group for Evangelisation, and the Four Nations Forum for Evangelisation.
Whist every effort is made to verify the information on this site, none of the organisations or people mentioned on this site can be held responsible for inaccurate or misleeding information which has been passed on. In addition, we may not always agree with the content, but provide it in good faith that it belongs somewhere in the orthodox Christian tradition. Information on this site may not always express the opinion of the organisations represented and should not be taken as doing so.