We are glad to receive content contributions, especially if they fit the pattern for the site i.e.
- They are short, no more than 100 (150 max) word length
- Containing a web link for 'one click' follow up
- Relevant across more than one of the four nations and one denomination of church
- Sent by a recognised representative in the network
- Making a positive contribution to the work of evangelisation
- Within the theological framework of Churches Together and the Evangelical Alliance
- With practical application at a local level for sharing the good news of Jesus together
- Adding the the overall ethos and content of this site.
This site has a specific design and purpose in posting news items which should be ready to cut and paste straight in. It is managed alongside other responsibilities so items will not generally be reworked or reworded if they fit the pattern provided. It is not intended to have resources available online here, or sales or adverts. It is simply a news service and points to where these facilities and further information is available.
Although we recognise the need and value theological debate and rigorous engagement with difficult issues of our day, this site is neither designed nor intended to handle such discussion. It is simply a platform of which news items can be placed, knowing that important discussions can and do take place elsewhere.
Contributions can be sent for consideration by email to the manager and moderator of the site: jim*[email protected] replacing the * with a dot. (This avoids automatic generation of spam).
To verify legitimate contributions, I will either need to know who you are OR need:
Your Name
Your Address
Your telepone number
Your Role in the Network
Your 100 word text
The specific web link for follow up
(Please: no graphics, pictures, videos, tables, files, attchments or anything other than the text and singe web link)
Thank you in anticipation of sending news in.