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Call to friends to Easter services and film with interviews re Easter Hope: link here to both
Resources and ideas for outreach: http://www.realeasteregg.co.uk/
Paul Griffiths points to a new resource for follow up after Christmas: http://www.theresolvecourse.org/
Glen Scrivener says a free book and video is available at: http://speaklife.org.uk/HeCameDown/
Is a book from Andy Moyle from his experience of evangelism: article link here
Magazine style resource and website from Hope: http://www.christmashope.org/
From the Church of England, for web enquirers: https://www.achristmasnearyou.org/
A resource from CPO for organising carol singing: link here
in the online catalogue for mission and outreach from CPO
Linked to 'Sing Christmas' and Hope 'No1' initiatives from CPO
At London Palladium 7.30 Monday Oct 24th: Introduction video and information and booking
Include a colouring in poster which is a popular new idea: link
From CPO in their online catalogue
Chocolate and the message of Christmas: http://www.realadvent.co.uk/
More resources and extended website for other occasions: https://shop.soulfood.me/
to avoid disappointment re delivery, say CPO: link
Are now available from CPO from a link here
Now available from CPO: follow the link
With Christian message -now have a wider range: http://www.realeasteregg.co.uk/
Being produced for the Queen's 90th birthday to be given away. More details and sight of the cover: http://www.inspiremagazine.org.uk/Stories/National?storyaction=view&storyid=2085
Evangelism Ideas have posted:
LICC short videos of Christmas: http://www.evangelismideas.org/idea.aspx?id=525.
And, ‘Sing Christmas’ in a pub near you, http://www.evangelismideas.org/idea.aspx?id=181.
Update: video now used by Revival Media for use in social media, with quiz and evangelistic book by Glen Scrivener: http://fourkindsofchristmas.com/
From Bible Society includes Advent Calendar: https://www.biblesociety.org.uk/products/9781859859568/
Book being produced about the faith of the Queen for 90th birthday: http://hopetogether.org.uk/Groups/268180/Pre_order_The.aspx
Including Carol Sheets: http://www.singchristmas.org/
From CPO: click link
Retelling the Bible for today, From Bible Society: http://www.biblesociety.org.uk/about-bible-society/our-work/see-the-christmas-poem-brought-to-life/
Includes new Bible for Minecrafters: https://www.biblesociety.org.uk
is a new resource from the Methodist Church: http://methodist-news.org.uk/BVI-3TWJJ-2AGQQDDUCD/cr.aspx