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“Going to the margins – engaging the dreamers, poets and prophets….” join pioneers, permission givers and practitioners for 24 hours. More information here
Training and producing creative resources for the church: link here
Taster video and information: link here
overnight in Sheffield 6th/7th April link here
10 part video series from Hope Revolution: link here
Steve Mullins Evangelistic Ministries resources on Great Commission website link here
From London City Mission: link here
New in UK, November 2017: link here
to help young people 'make disciples': link here
With London City Mission: link here
For 16-25yr olds. An Agapé initiative - in association with SWYM, Rise Up, TAG, ONEL!FE and Urban Saints
Promotional video: https://vimeo.com/160468043
Registration: https://swym.org.uk/events/living-and-telling-2017
Undergraduate and postgraduate studies in mission, evangelism and church planting: link here
London City Mission training days for would-be evangelists: link here
3 seminars from Cell UK: Laurence Singelhurst video introduction
3 Saturday training mornings in Oct and November: http://celluk.org.uk/training/saturday-training-mornings/
Registrations now open for September start. Discount rate till July: http://www.missionshapedministry.org/online/register
Established 5 years with CMS: updates and video introduction: https://pioneer.cms-uk.org/
4th and 5th July in Exeter with South West Youth Ministries: https://swym.org.uk/events/living-and-telling-2016
Two video sessions with notes to help people consider reconnection to God and/or to church: http://connect4life.org.uk/disconnected/abc
Two video sessions with free notes to help people make a first time connection eg pre-Alpha/Christianity Explored: link here
With Petra, who have an office in the UK: http://www.petra-uk.org.uk/childrens-ministry-training.html
Training Day with Laurence Singlehurst Sat 7th Nov: http://celluk.org.uk/training/sowing/
On research, mission and small groups in evangelism: http://celluk.org.uk/training/events/
.. is a leadership training course for 15-21 year olds: http://www.sharejesusinternational.com/project/what-is-fresh/
New mission study centre 'mobilising for urban hope', based in Birmingham: http://newbigincentre.org/
From Fresh Expressions: more information on the web area http://www.freshexpressions.org.uk/missionshapedministry
Various links from the Ugly Duckling Company: http://uglyducklingco.blogspot.co.uk/2015/04/training-resources-if-you-are-looking.html
on preaching and communicating the gospel: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/preach-it-2015-tickets-14909965107
James Stevens from Perth YWAM invites UK Christians interested in 6 months evangelism training school to see the details at: http://www.ywamperth.org.au/training/evangelism-training-school/
4 new videos have been produced and are available for churches to connect people with Jesus and the church: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHb1fI8CH68YbgcXJ2XepXQ/feed