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Outreach newspaper with testimonies: link here
For use with social media from Christian Vision UK: link here
From Christian Vision UK link here
Available from CVUK: https://www.cvuk.org/
4 books re welcome, social media, website, literature etc: link here
Connect people to the church with websites and online resources: http://uk.cvoutreach.com/
Geoff Knott has researched a possible resource: Word on the Streets link
From Damaris Media: http://www.theshackmovieuk.com/resources/
Re God who suffers and surprises, from Damaris Media available here.
Available now from Damaris for the film release in January 2017: http://silence.damarismedia.com/
'Bite size to get people talking about Jesus': http://www.gochattervideos.com/
By Christian Vision UK for videos, blog and resources re evangelism: link here
A YouTube video introduction from Connect4Life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnI1jPpvo7I
Yes He Is united initiative to share the gospel on social media: https://yesheis.com/en-gb
for outreach, from Damaris Media: http://benhur.damarismedia.com/
From Damaris available: http://benhur.damarismedia.com/#anchor-discussion_guide
Designed in a new way to take viewers on a journey: http://uk.alpha.org/blog/2016/1/19/alpha-film-series?rq=alpha%20film%20series
Gavin Calver and Dave Landrum from Evangelical Alliance: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aJVwv5ojp9M
Gavin Calver and Dave Landrum from Evangelical Alliance: https://youtu.be/bWPLprtAIzU
From Damaris: re Miracles in Heaven, Ben Hur, and Secret Life of Pets: http://damarismedia.com/
Explores decline, growth, apologetics and evangelism: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b075634m
Is an initiative running till 4th April by the Lumo Project
Resources for the film are on the Damaris website
More resources relating to CofE campaign: http://hopetogether.org.uk/Groups/254944/Try_Praying.aspx
Uses available technology for up to 12 people: http://www.godmovieproject.com/
at London City Mission on 27th Oct 3pm. Enquiries to [email protected]
With witness to Christian faith, resources for discussion are available: http://ethosmedia.org/captive/
From Ethos Media: http://ethosmedia.org/captive/
Video from Roy Crowne: https://vimeo.com/138869634
For churches using films for outreach: http://www.vidaentertainment.com/