'Back 2 Church' Sunday - 10 years on - have a new initiative with a website for re welcome different seasons of the churches year: http://seasonofinvitation.co.uk/
The Arthur Rank Centre have a piece and resources to help visited churches say more about the Gospel: https://www.cpo-online.org.uk/product.aspx?prod=Z3276BT&cat=2615product.aspx?prod=Z3264BT&cat=3205
Falling the day before 'Back to Church Sunday', some churches are making a mission weekend including the Bigger Breakfast invite: see http://www.biggerbreakfast.org.uk/
The Roman Catholic church have an initiative inviting those who attend church infrequently to feel welcome at Christmas: http://www.comehomeforchristmas.co.uk/
The Church of England website reports on the Back to Church statistics, including the headline that 82,000 people reponded. in 2009 and the date for 2010 is Sept 26th: http://www.cofe.anglican.org/news/pr10909.html
The Roman Catholic Church will again be inviting lapsed and new members to church as part of their Christmas initiative to welcome: http://www.comehomeforchristmas.co.uk/
This Sunday's 'Back to Church' campaign theme 'Come as you are' has been covered in the national news. Headlines and press releases are on: http://www.backtochurch.co.uk/inthenews.asp