EvangelismUK serves the network of church leaders with a national role and responsibility for evangelisation in the four nations. In alphabetical order that is England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
It is hosted by the Churches Co-ordinating Group for Evangelisation (www.gfe.org.uk) of Churches Together in England (www.cte.org.uk) on behalf of the wider church.
Started in July 2007, this site is a service to all churches who want news headlines, brief information and links to news in the network. The aim is to help us all share the good news of Jesus together.
In these islands, national churches, streams, and mission agencies often have a focal person to represent and resource them in the task of evangelisation. For the past few years these people have come together in a Four Nations Forum for Evangelisation, under the aegis of the Global Mission Network of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (www.ctbi.org.uk).
Jim Currin serves both the Churches Co-ordinating Group for Evangelisation and the Four Nations Forum, providing this site for the wider church.
Jim has been serving the evangelism network since being Commissioned in the Church Army in 1979 .. and accepts full responsibility for all the typos on this site!