An initiative of Hope Revolution - the young people's arm of Hope - is to get young people texting their testimony in September, see
Hope are encouraging young people to 'textify' in September with testimony and prayer at the beginning of new term. See Hope website and register at:
The latest 'Encounters on the the Edge' from the Church Army Sheffield Centre looks at an example of Fresh Expressions with non churched young people:
A major gathering of youth workers learning from each is meeting in London 23rd Oct 2010, for details of this new venture see:
Andy Hawthorne commends the new initiative encouraging young people to transform school and community with acts of kindness, see:
The Youth Alpha conference will be held 18 / 19th February at HTB in London with Mike Pilivachi, Pete Greig and Tim Hughes: the full details are at:
As previously mentioned on Evangelism UK, the Bily Graham Evangelistic Associatioon are launching Epicentre reaching young people in the UK. More information is on their web site:
The BGEA magazine has an article about a new nationwide church based youth outreach project planned for the UK. 'Epicentre' builds on Canadian experience and Anita Darashah-Borman has been appointed for UK. Contact via:
Emerging Culture is aimed at mobilising young people, teens, twenties and students for mission. Their new look website and program is at:
50k dvd's have been distributed by a coalition of Christian youth networks aiming to encourage the church in children's ministry, including outreach, for the Year of the Child:
CHP have just published abook which will help churches wanting to employ youth and children's workers with all of the information and advice they might need: